Sunday 13 May 2018

Emmanuel Macron lamented that France pays "once again the price of blood", but assured that it would yield "not an inch to the enemies of freedom". "All my thoughts are with the victims and the wounded of the knife attack perpetrated in Paris tonight, as well as their loved ones. On behalf of all the French, I salute the courage of the police who neutralized the terrorist, "added the President of the Republic on Twitter.

The prosecutor of the Republic of Paris, Francois Molins, announced he seized the antiterrorist section of the prosecutor's office, Saturday, May 12, after a man assaulted several people with a knife, in the 2nd arrondissement, near the Opera House. The attack left one person dead and four people wounded, the police prefecture said. The attacker died, shot by the police, still according to the prefecture.
The Islamic State organization, via its propaganda body Aamaq, attributed the facts to "a soldier of the caliphate".

Shortly after the tragedy, the police prefecture indicated that two of the wounded were "seriously" and that the two others were "slightly". But later that night, Interior Minister Gerard Collomb said the four wounded were now out of danger. "I have just seen the person most seriously injured, she is better, she is saved," said the minister, who went to his bedside at the Georges-Pompidou hospital in Paris. Two of his friends are "out of danger", the fourth person is "out of danger too," added Mr. Collomb. "A young man of 29 years has lost his life," he continued, noting that "it is again the youth of France is struck."

The attack took place in the early evening, around 21 hours, rue Monsigny, a few hundred meters from the Opera. On Saturday night at 10:20 pm, the nearby Quatre-Septembre metro station was closed for safety, the RATP said.

According to several witnesses, the assailant shouted "Allah akbar" during the attack, which motivated, with the "modus operandi", the seizin of the anti-terrorist section under the qualification of "association of terrorist criminals" and " assassination and attempted assassination of a person in charge of public authority in connection with a terrorist enterprise, "detailed Molins, during a press conference on the scene of the attack.
The investigation was entrusted jointly to the Criminal Brigade of the Judicial Police of Paris, to the General Directorate of Internal Security (DGSI) and the Antiterrorist Sub-Directorate (SDAT) of the judicial police, the prosecutor added.
Emmanuel Macron lamented that France pays "once again the price of blood", but assured that it would yield "not an inch to the enemies of freedom". "All my thoughts are with the victims and the wounded of the knife attack perpetrated in Paris tonight, as well as their loved ones. On behalf of all the French, I salute the courage of the police who neutralized the terrorist, "added the President of the Republic on Twitter.

According to our information, He is a Frenchman born in Chechnya in 1997. He was quickly identified by the DGSI thanks to his photo, it was filed S (for "state security"), but in the "Low end", that is, with weak threat signals. He had no judicial record.

This Sunday morning, the parents of this young man are in custody.

The assailant had brown hair, an uncut beard and was dressed in black jogging pants. He was killed by the police when he refused to let himself be controlled and threatened the police. He did not carry identity papers. His fingerprints had been raised.


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