Thursday 17 May 2018

Euro exit and approach to Russia: revealed Italian government agreement that is scaring Brussels

The preliminary document, signed between the League and the Five Star Movement, also foresees the creation of a body parallel to the Council of Ministers for autonomous political decisions, in addition to the request for Italian debt forgiveness. The coalition partners assert that the document released by the Huffington Post is "an old version." However, the text is dated May 14, 2018

The creation of a mechanism to get out of the single currency if necessary, the objective of receiving a kind of Italian debt cancellation by the European Central Bank and the design of a body parallel to the Council of Ministers to make political decisions without going through the normal channels. These are some of the measures envisaged in the draft Government agreement in Italy between the League and the Five Star Movement. The document was released exclusively on Tuesday evening by the Italian edition of the Huffington Post.
The 39-page preliminary text also foresees a closer rapprochement with Russia and calls for withdrawal of trade sanctions against the Vladimir Putin regime. The Kremlin is not perceived as a threat, but as "an economic and commercial partner," the document said, which also calls for Russia's immediate rehabilitation as a "strategic interlocutor" in areas such as Syria, Libya and Yemen.
Coalition partners assert that the paper released by the newspaper is "an old version that has been extensively modified in the course of recent meetings." "The current version does not match that. Many contents have changed radically. On the euro, for example, the parties have decided not to question the single currency, "they add. However, the document is dated May 14, 2018.
Last week, Italy's President Sergio Mattarella was sensitive to the demands of the Five-Star Movement and the League for an extension of the negotiating period. The impasse for the formation of a government lasts more than two months. In the March 4 election, Five Stars was the most voted party, followed by the center-left Democratic Party. However, as a bloc, it was the right-wing coalition - which brought together Italy's (Berlusconi) Force and the (far right) League - to get more votes. None of the forces has enough seats to govern alone.

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