Tuesday 8 May 2018

MOSCOW GIVES THE EXCHANGE | Russia expels diplomats from more than 20 countries. And the evidence of the Russian attack?

Tension between the West and Russia continues to worsen without clear and unambiguous proof that Russia is responsible for the chemical attack on ex-spy Serguei Skripal.
The lack of such evidence, to be presented to the international community, leads us to recall other situations of lies and dirty politics for the West to achieve their ends. This was the case of what happened on weapons of mass destruction held by Saddam Hussein of Iraq. The US and allies lied shamelessly and involved the region and the world in an immeasurable, terrible war situation. From the West, at that time, the closest allies to the US and W. Bush, they staged a summit in the Azores between Tony Blair (UK), Aznar (Spain) and Durão Barroso (Portugal), with Bush. They lied to the world how many teeth they had. No weapons of mass destruction were found in Iraq, as was found after the invasion. The effects of this invasion continue to be observed in the region.

As for Blair's allies, Aznar and Barroso are very well in life and continue to receive the returns of their alignment on the lie. They are healthy and very rich, well placed in life, to prove that the dirt of the dollars buys the rogues necessary to help give substance to the interests no less dirty of US policies. Many other examples of lies that served the interests of the English-speaking alliance (USA, UK, AU, etc.) and other allies could be cited here. The world knows them because after some or many years we have finally come to know the truth and dishonesty of the countries of the West.

For now, nothing guarantees that the claims of the United Kingdom and allies (US, EU, etc.) are true. No irrefutable evidence has yet been presented that the chemical element affecting Skripal and the daughter is the Russian author, as well as the poisoning action.
We are, then, in a more than likely lie, in a dirty Western policy process against Russia, about the same size as in Iraq - at least the goal seems to be to drag the world into a war ... which will be nuclear.

We have to wait and see, and we always demand that reliable proof be shown that what happened to the former spy and daughter was the work of Russia. Until then (or not) we have witnessed the diplomatic game, the dance of expulsions of Russian diplomats by the West, and Moscow giving the change, expelling Western diplomats and / or countries aligned with the very probable lies created by a dependent May and obedient to Trump and his perilous entourage. The EU is lightly pursuing this dirty policy. See the news Deutsche Welle and the change that Russia is giving. (MM | PG)
Russia expels diplomats from more than 20 countries

Measure is response to the expulsion of 150 Russian diplomats ordered by countries like Germany, France, Italy and USA. Nations expressed solidarity with the United Kingdom in the case of the poisoning of former Russian spy Serguei Skripal.

The Russian government has announced the expulsion of diplomats from more than 20 countries expressing support for the UK in the case of the poisoning of former Russian spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia on British soil. Among the ambassadors, the majority are from European Union (EU) countries.

Russia's Foreign Ministry is calling on the ambassadors of countries "to take unfriendly action against Russia" in solidarity "with the United Kingdom," says a statement issued by the Kremlin. "The ambassadors will receive protest notes and will be informed about the reciprocal measures," the statement added.
This week, more than 20 countries, including the United States, Canada, Australia and Ukraine, and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) ordered the departure of more than 150 Russian diplomats from their territories. In response, Russia reserved the right to take similar measures.

Among the diplomats expelled by the Russian government are four Germans and two Spaniards. Diplomats from France, Italy, Poland, Latvia, Lithuania, Slovakia, Croatia and the Czech Republic were also called.

"First of all, maintaining good relations with Russia responds to the interests of Germany. We remain open to dialogue," said the German ambassador, Rüdiger von Fritsch, as he left the headquarters of the Russian ministry.
Diplomatic war

The Kremlin assured that it was not Russia to start a diplomatic war. On Monday, the United States announced the expulsion of 60 Russian diplomats. In return, Moscow also decided to expel 60 US diplomats.

"Russia has not unleashed diplomatic wars, and President (Russian, Vladimir) Putin has been and is in favor of developing good relations with all countries, including the United States," said Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov while mourning the actions of Washington. Russia "has not begun exchanges of sanctions, expulsions of diplomats, etc.," he added.

For US State Department spokeswoman Heather Nauert, the decision was not a good one. "Russia has taken an unfortunate course against our perfectly justified measures," he said. Peskov expressed disagreement with this point of view and stressed that "Russia was obliged to take response measures".
United Kingdom regrets

The British government today considered that Russia's decision to equate the number of British diplomats in Moscow with the number of Russians expelled from London "is regrettable," but it was already an expected development. "However, this does not change the facts at stake: the attempted murder of two people on British soil, for which there is no alternative conclusion other than that Russia was guilty," said a ministry spokeswoman of British Foreign Affairs, quoted by the Associated Press (AP) news agency.

"Russia is in flagrant violation of international law and the Chemical Weapons Convention and the actions of countries around the world have demonstrated the depth of international concerns," she said.

Former Russian spy Serguei Skripal, 66, and his 33-year-old daughter Yulia were found unconscious on March 4 in Salisbury, southern England, after being poisoned with a chemical component that attacks the nervous system . The former Russian spy remains hospitalized in critical condition, but official sources said Thursday that the state of Yulia Skripal has improved.
The United Kingdom attributed the poisoning to Russia, which has denied all the allegations and demanded concrete evidence on this allegation. On 14 March, London announced the expulsion of 23 Russian diplomats from British territory and the freezing of bilateral relations, to which Moscow responded by expelling 23 British diplomats and suspending the activity of the British Council in Russia.

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