Monday 10 September 2018

The tremendous expenses of the Elysee!

At the moment when Emmanuel Macron launches the reorganization of the Elysée Palace, here is an anthology of the expenses of the Presidential Palace, revealed by a report of the Court of Accounts passed over in the media.

In reworking his communication, Emmanuel Macron launched the reorganization of the Presidential Palace, which employs no less than 822 agents. In its latest report on "the accounts and management of the services of the Presidency of the Republic", published on July 24 and passed over in the media, the Court of Accounts gives details of this reorganization, launched in September 2017, and which is accelerating because of the Benalla affair. Above all, the financial magistrates provide valuable information on the expenses (102 million euros in 2017) of the big Elysian SME.

822 agents. They increased under Macron by 5% from May 14 to December 31, 2017. This increase mainly concerns the security group of the Presidency of the Republic (GSPR), which ensures the protection of the Head of State during his travels, and counts 15 additional agents.

In addition, the presidential cabinet has 43 members, 12 of whom are also members of Edouard Philippe's cabinet.

Francois Hollande had set a rule: no wages above 13,000 euros net per month, to prevent a collaborator is more paid than the president (13,884 euros net). The Court of Accounts reveals that under Macron, two employees are paid above this ceiling, without specifying their names.
The fleet

The Palace has 151 vehicles, a park that has remained stable in 2017. Surprisingly, it uses 33 cars ready by car manufacturers.
Presidential trips

In 2017, 198 trips (compared to 142 in 2016) were made, including 112 by air. During their private trips, Emmanuel and Brigitte Macron use an ETEC plane, the air force unit responsible for presidential transport, but they refund the price of the trip, based on the price of a flight commercial. However, these displacements require to mobilize police and military to ensure the protection of the presidential couple. In August 2017, during the summer stay in Marseilles of the couple Macron, the mobilization of civil servants cost 60,000 euros. And the two trips to Le Touquet, in June 2017, during the legislative elections amount to 75,000 euros.

This sector has 55 agents for an annual expenditure of one million euros. New fact, the hiring of a photographer appointed the president, full time, since June 2017. Since his arrival at the Elysee Palace, the Head of State has not conducted any opinion poll.

     Hair and makeup

A contract was signed with a hairdresser-makeup artist for a monthly gross fee of 5,200 euros
The expenses of Brigitte Macron

The Court of Auditors regretted in its report the difficulties in accurately quantifying the expenses of the wife of the president, who has six offices, occupied by a director and a chief of staff, two secretaries and the security services. Magistrates, however, estimated these expenses at 278,000 euros. The first lady received 13,000 letters in 2017, which mobilized six to seven agents to deal with them.

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