Discovered by the
general public during the Benalla affair, François-Xavier Lauch, 37-year-old
enarca and Emmanuel Macron's chief of staff at the Elysee Palace, was promoted
to prefect, according to a statement from the council. ministers.
An official statement of
the Council of Ministers dated February 6 announces the good news: Emmanuel
Macron's chief of staff, François-Xavier Lauch, was raised to the rank of
"prefect charged with a public service mission under the government" .
He was previously sous-préfet. He thus becomes one of the youngest prefects in
the history of France.
The youthful face of
this 37-year-old scam was discovered by the general public during one of the
hearings of the Senate's inquiry commission in the Benalla case. But after his
passage in the upper house of Parliament on September 12, 2018, it was mainly
the vagueness that dominated, as recalled by the Obs: "Beautiful promotion
for those whose explanations on the famous case have not cleared, c "The
least we can say, all the mysteries ...", amuses the weekly.
The young chef de
cabinet had been specially cooked by the senators on the question of the
missions that were entrusted to his former deputy, Alexandre Benalla, at the
Elysee. The Enarque had stated that the former bodyguard of the president had
no police mission. The rapporteur Philippe Bas had asked: "Why then the
Elysee he asked that he enjoys a port of arms?" But Senator Les
Républicains, who knows himself the presidential palace to have was secretary
general of the Elysee under Jacques Chirac, had not obtained a clear answer.
The name of François-Xavier Lauch recently appeared in the press when new revelations were made about the Benalla affair: a reporter of 20Minutes tried to trace the evening of Alexandre Benalla the day he learned to have been recognized on the video of May 1st. In particular, it was revealed that he had traded with 33 people that day; among them, police officers, personalities such as Yassine Belattar and Arno Klarsfeld, as well as employees of the Elysee, such as the young "prefect charged with a public service mission under the government" or the man of the shadow, Ludovic Chaker.
The name of François-Xavier Lauch recently appeared in the press when new revelations were made about the Benalla affair: a reporter of 20Minutes tried to trace the evening of Alexandre Benalla the day he learned to have been recognized on the video of May 1st. In particular, it was revealed that he had traded with 33 people that day; among them, police officers, personalities such as Yassine Belattar and Arno Klarsfeld, as well as employees of the Elysee, such as the young "prefect charged with a public service mission under the government" or the man of the shadow, Ludovic Chaker.
For the record,
according to these revelations, just after the publication of the article of
the World revealing the violence he had committed, Alexandre Benalla sat at the
Damascus café, a shisha bar near the Champs-Elysees and the presidential
palace. His fadettes (detailed bills of telephone communications) have
established that he had exchanged with many contacts, between 20h and 2:30 in
the morning, who tried to fly to his rescue and give him their advice.
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