Friday, 13 September 2019


The government forbids Islam on its soil and destroys mosques!
Angola is a country in Africa where the majority of the population is 95% Christian, 55% of Angolan nationals are Catholics, and 1/4 belongs to Protestant churches founded during the colonial period. At least 1% of the population would be Muslim.
The Angolan government has decided to ban the Muslim religion, which it considers to be "a barbarous and incompatible sect with Angolan society". Muslims living in Angola are mostly Guinean nationals (Guinea Conakry). They were victims of the destruction of the minaret of their mosque. The reason for the destruction: this building was "badly done" and was installed without any authorization.

The authorities started the destruction of the Zango mosque, located in the urban district of Viana.

“The governor of the city of Luanda Sieur Bento told the local press that "radical Muslims are no longer welcome in Angola including Muslims who claim to be moderates ..."
Angolan police had entered a number of mosques in the Luanda area, ordered Muslims to leave immediately, and confiscated their loudspeakers to stop the call to prayer. The mosques were closed, doors condemned by chains.

Angolan police had entered a number of mosques in the Luanda area, ordered Muslims to leave immediately, and confiscated their loudspeakers to stop the call to prayer. The mosques were closed, doors condemned by chains.

The Angolan government has also promised to make the destruction of all mosques one of its priorities.

The only two mosques still open in Luanda have received a warning from the administration, signed by the mayor, José Moreno.

C’est un des pays au monde qui a eu l’audace d’interdire directement la pratique de l’islam sur son territoire. C’est probablement peu comparé à plusieurs pays musulmans qui persécutent les Chrétiens et leur interdisent de construire des églises. Le gouvernement Angolais appelle à un rééquilibrage religieux au niveau du continent.

Muslims living in Africa can already worry about their future in Angola and perhaps in Africa.

The government the Swaziland forbids the study of Islam and Judaism in schools!

MBABANE - The schools of Swaziland opened Tuesday the new academic year, the government ordered the teachers that Christianity be the only religion taught in schools. A movement highly criticized by opponents who consider this decision intolerable and scandalous.
The country's teaching faculty stated that old textbooks were being replaced by new ones that only mentioned the Bible, and that schools were required to submit a list of qualified religious studies teachers before the start of the semester.

"Other religions will not be offered at the elementary and secondary levels (high school). At the university level, they will have the right to study other religions, "said Pat Muir, a senior official of the Ministry of Education, adding that the policy would be to avoid confusing students.”

According to some surveys, the Muslim population of Swaziland will reach 10%, but the US State Department in 2015 estimated that this figure would be around 2%.

Many Swazis combine Christianity with indigenous beliefs, and religious freedoms are enshrined in the country's 2005 constitution.
The Ministry of Education said last week to all directors to ensure that the books would not mention any religion except Christianity. Islam and Judaism should be banned.

Sahid Matsebula, a Swazi-born Muslim who works for a mosque near the capital Mbabane, said the government's policy could worsen religious friction in the South African nation.

"What plan has the government put in place for our children who are not Christians? We can not teach our children one thing at home and after school they receive something else as teaching. It's religious discrimination, "he told AFP.


According to the US Department of State's International Religious Freedom Report, some schools have long sought to prevent Muslim students from leaving early for Friday prayers.

“It is also said that some Christian groups "discriminated against non-Christian religious groups, especially in rural areas where people have generally had negative views about Islam."

The new education policy comes after public complaints about Asian and Muslim migration in the country, which led the parliament to set up a commission of inquiry last year.

Some illegal migrants have been deported from the border to their home country, Trade Minister Jabulani Mabuza told Parliament that legislation making it harder for foreigners to set up businesses in Swaziland was under preparation.

Church leaders in Swaziland welcomed the Christianity agenda.
"Christianity is the basic religion on which this country was built," said Stephen Masilela, president of the Swaziland Conference of Churches.”

Swaziland, with a population of about 1.2 million, has been ruled by King Mswati III, the last absolute monarch in Africa, since 1986.
The country is suffering from extreme poverty and struggling to raise its economy, this country has faced international criticism that the government is stifling dissent, imprisoning its opponents and denying workers' rights.

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