Saturday, 16 October 2021

This message is aimed particularly at those who have had a "long covid" and who still suffer from various symptoms as diverse as they are painful.


CSI public meeting n ° 27 of Thursday 14/10/2021

In the latest edition of the CSI

Dr Jean-Marc Sabatier gives a very educational explanation: SARS Cov2 disrupts the renin-angiotensin system (RAS). The liver usually produces angiotensinogen and the kidneys produce renin which, in different stages, is broken down into angiotensin 2 (ACE2). The peculiarity of the spike protein of the SARS Cov 2 virus is to bind to the ACE2, thus preventing its degradation and causing an excess of ACE2 in the body.

ACE2 is an extremely important hormone. It has a natural target which is the AT1R receptor, which is essential for the proper functioning of the human body. The excess of ACE2 will over-activate the AT1R.

This over-activation of AT1R is deleterious and causes hypertension, and is inflammatory. She is particularly involved in the cytokine storm. It is also pro-thrombotic, hence the many thromboses, and is pro-oxidant, ie it causes oxidative stress. It also promotes the development of tumors and is also pro-fibrosing. It swells the organs. And finally, it lowers the production of nitric oxide, which impairs immunity and memorization.

All this explains the extreme diversity of the pathologies observed.

This draws up a picture of the induced pathologies which are attributed to SARS Cov 2. But the immune system has a whole range of functions to fight effectively against these disorders. Of course, many comorbidities or psychological states of stress or distress can seriously impair these functionalities. The widespread vitamin D deficiency is also a serious factor in the decrease in efficiency of the immune system.

Vitamin D (+ Zinc) is, according to Dr Sabatier, essential for treating covid, because it inhibits the production of renin by the kidneys and therefore the excess of ACE2. Black cumin, Ivermectin, and other drugs are also candidates.

Taking vit D activates between 3% and 4% of the human genome, so thousands of genes! And all cells of the immune system have a Vit D receptor.

The main problem with injections, he says, is that they cause different forms of spike proteins to be produced and some of these proteins bind to the ECA2 receptor, causing the same disorders in the renin -angiotensin system as covid.

Eric Ménat and the other doctors are worried about the explosion of cancers that they see on a daily basis.

Vincent Pavan then presents philosophical and logical arguments on doubt, thus shedding light on the perversity of the discourses which amalgamate different forms of doubt, this one being able to have fertile forms or toxic forms.

Emmanuelle Darles analyzes data from VAERS (US pharmacovigilance) concerning injection-related mortality among 12-17 year olds in particular.

Olivier Soulier details the activities of the Liberté-Santé union which already has 6000 members after just one month of start-up.

Philippe de Chazournes, currently persecuted by the ARS, gives news of the inquisition.



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