Saturday, 14 November 2015


Another way of fraud in fashion!

It all starts with a 1€ withdraw from your bank account from or Because 1€ you don’t take much notice and at this time you don’t do anything either!

 That is where the problem starts. The next month they withdraw 99€ for example and for this amount you react; you go to see your banker and he/her tells you that must be you that did it, perhaps! In other words, the banker does not believe you! What a mother fucker, or just a bunch of incompetent people… So you decide to official complaint to the national police, and to do a statement of opposition at your banker. Now, the banker starts taking this matter seriously. What an F… Please see below,

The best thing is that this person does not even have a telephone fix line or internet at home. On top of this, this person does not even know how to use a computer; not even to type a simple letter! I, myself, did not won’t to believe it; but her sister that contacted me, assured me by mail that is the reality. And so be it! After a long reflection I contacted my reader and accepted to help a sister.
There is well known that a big part of society even today do not know how to use a computer; and why not! This person has one of the most former portable telephones. I have seen it! This does not allow others to abuse of your choice in life! Do not judge others. But we tend to do it every time. WHY?
The problem remains in question; who could use a CC number to perform such injustice and how they did it!
I have investigated concerning this matter at by connecting to them by internet and this is what I got.
Assistance en direct
En ligne

Bonjour, je suis en charge du service Résiliation et Remboursement.
Pouvez-vous, s'il vous plait, me communiquer l'email avec lequel vous avez l'habitude de réaliser vos achats sur internet afin que nous puissions retrouver votre dossier et vous assister dans vos démarches ?

j'ais une facture de 99€ et jamais utilisez vous services. comment c'est possible?
Stéphanie a rejoint le chat
Afin que je puisse vous identifier et retrouver votre dossier, pourriez-vous, s'il vous plait, me communiquer votre adresse e-mail?
malheureusement, mon amie possede pas de adresse e-mail. c'est sa que l'on ne comprend pas!

Stéphanie, vous etes la?
Nous allons essayer de retrouver votre dossier autrement, pourriez-vous me communiquer le nom complet figurant sur la carte bancaire qui a été prélevée svp?

oui, Me

Le prelevement aete fait le 7/10/2015 FACT le 06/10/2015
Stéphanie, vous etes la?
Patientez un instant, svp.

vous etes ou?
vous en ou?
Stéphanie, vous etes la?
Sans réponse de votre part aujourd'hui une plainte sera déposée contre X pour utilisation frauduleuse de la carte banquere de Me
Stéphanie, vous etes la?

As you can see, Stephanie connected herself to the “chat” after when I mentioned that I never utilised their services… I’m convinced that these two organisations are working together! Will let you know as soon I have more proofs.
Saisi not yet!

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