Sunday 28 January 2018


Focus on my letter to Mr. Moussaoui falsely attributed to Charlie Hebdo
Posted on 25 September 2012 - by Caroline Alamachère
For some time, the open letter to Mohammed Moussaoui I wrote on RL last November following the first case of cartoons Charlie Hebdo, continues to warm the minds of Internet users (http: // ripostelaique .com / do not-you-m-moussaoui-one-has-the-right-to-caricature-your-prophet), many of whom applaud it, which in itself is good news.

Unfortunately, it turns out that this unbridled diffusion - with renewed strength in recent days - is accompanied by a mistaken source. Indeed, the letter posted on the sites, blogs and especially by email is titled as emanating from Charlie Hebdo!

Naturally it is not so and CH has not stopped denying the origin of this mail, vehemently contesting me, and for good reason!

They are flooded with emails from Internet users and start to saturate, we understand them. So I wanted to make things clear by sending them this letter below, so that this unfortunate confusion ceases.

It seems to me important to remember that it is essential to communicate one's source when one uses a text or an image, often falsely captioned and that everyone takes in chorus without bothering to verify its authenticity. Thanks to everyone for being vigilant, because in addition to the problems that this may cause, it is also about preserving our credibility.

Here is the mail addressed to Charlie Hebdo:
Good evening,

For several months an article of Riposte Laïque which I am the author is attributed to you wrongly, it is about an open letter addressed to Mr. Moussaoui of which here is the link: -in-offense-m-moussaoui-on-a-straight-de-your-caricaturing Prophet.

It seems that a user made a copy-pasted of this letter and broadcast it without mentioning its source, and especially mentioning Charlie Hebdo as the media presenter of the article. With Pierre Cassen, leader of Laid Riposte, we have not ceased since to deny this error whenever we can, aware of the inconvenience that it can cause you.

Of course, we are strangers to this misunderstanding that we deplore as much as you, and can not be held responsible for the use that is made after the fact of our publications.

I'm sorry, however, for the annoyance you may have and I wanted to share it with you, because I imagine that you have to deal with a lot of reactions from Internet users following this letter.

I take this opportunity to support you in the tumult that you are currently experiencing. Freedom of expression is not negotiated, and it is essential for the good of our democracy that everyone be fully aware of it and work to respect it.

I hope that all of this will calm down for us all and that we will be able to express our opinions freely for a long time without being threatened, no matter where they come from.


Caroline Alamachère
Open letter to Mr. Mohammed Moussaoui, President of the CFCM

Dear Mr. Moussaoui,

The publication of the latest issue of Charlie Hebdo representing Muhammad and entitled "Sharia Hebdo" in tribute to the victory of the Islamists in the recent Tunisian elections just once again gave rise to lamentable reprisals from individuals decidedly little enlightened that, As President of the CFCM, you have the duty to channel.

In the World published this Wednesday, you say that you do not see any link between the elections in Tunisia and Libya and the caricature outrage reminding us somehow what Sharia, or at least its most spectacular part for the French citizen basic little aware of what is happening on his soil.

I think you are intelligent and educated, so you must know that in France the caricature is a very old tradition and a popular art, that no subject escapes and especially not a subject of news, and the introduction of sharia law on a long secular ground is a sufficiently serious and worrying subject not to break the rule. Shari'a, Islam, do not have to be an exception to this rule.

Shariah is an archaic system founded 14 centuries ago, deeply hateful, sexist, retrograde, discriminatory and undemocratic. To denounce this system by caricature is a process aimed at showing all the abjection. Condemning sharia, sir, is an act of public health necessary to the democracy you enjoy because it is in France that you live in freedom. Would you enjoy the same freedom in Morocco? I doubt it if not how to explain the huge presence of Moroccans abandoning Morocco for France? It's nice that the air is sweeter and freer here ...
This Sharia preached by the Koran and integral to Islam (the Koran is the basis of Islam, Islamism is only its most spectacularly virulent expression) it is highly desirable to worry, especially since a good part of those who allowed this anti-democratic disaster live on our soil and that elected "dhimmis" - as your dogma calls them - call for the right of these shari'a promoters to present themselves elections with the terrible consequences we imagine.

You state that "For Muslims, the mere caricature of the prophet is, in itself, unacceptable and offensive". Injury I understand but unacceptable ?!

What is unacceptable is to prohibit divorce including in France, which is unacceptable is to allow polygamy including in France, which is unacceptable is to consider that the woman is inferior to including in France, which is unacceptable is to lock women under black shrouds including in France, which is unacceptable is to refuse the woman to marry the man of his choice for to make him marry the one his family has chosen for her, including in France, which is unacceptable because there is a "European Research and Fatwa Council decreeing the fatwas intended to be applied in France (1)
In France, no law punishes blasphemy, as the recent affair of the burned Qur'an has shown, which has seen the release of the incendiary. As a result in France, Mr. Moussaoui, it is permissible to burn a Koran if you wish and caricature and make fun of a prophet, even yours.

The various demonstrations hostile to this publication of Charlie Hebdo have not failed to flourish on the forums, some insulting copiously the French, others clamoring for caricatures of "Jews of 40", which seems far enough from your wish for a "disagreement expressed in respect of the laws and the integrity of the people". You should also remind your co-religionists so kind and loving towards the citizens who welcome them that the feast of Eid al-Adha (2) that they will celebrate in a few days is a vibrant tribute to ... Abraham, a Jew ! In my opinion some must ignore this detail in view of the remarkably low intellectual level of their comments.

In your interview, a sentence particularly concerns me "At the same time, they must accept and understand that in our societies, the relationship to the sacred is not the same for all". I would like to know what society you are talking about, is it the Muslim society, the French society, the Moroccan society?

If it is the Moroccan society is that you do not feel French, if it is the Muslim society is that you do not feel democratic and if it is the French society I remind you that it does not There is no relation to the sacred since it has been separated from the religious since a famous law of 1905 decided it so, which obviously, in spite of your recent naturalization, you do not seem to have integrated well yet.

By the way in your document By listing the various slaughterhouses for Eid, you are perfectly illustrative of the difficulty that you and your co-religionists have in considering you as full-fledged French citizens since you send your wishes to the "Muslims of France" and not to the French Muslims. I invite you and your co-religionists "from France" to ask you about your role in our French society, your ability to adhere to our secular and democratic values
​​and your ability to practice self-deprecation because I definitely find you stuck in the turban. I look forward to your report on the Islamophobic acts you have recorded and will certainly compile the francophobic acts that I will be happy to pass on to you. Moreover, by searching (in vain) your coordinates I immediately fall on an article site (3) particularly insulting for French citizens. I am very shocked by the hints of xenophobia of this article in which it is about France described as "sick and satanized Republic", "benevolent protection of an occult power that finds all its enjoyment in the spectacle of the misfortune of an unwanted fringe of its population ", of" France victim of its arrogance and its pride ". As a representative of Muslims in France you would be well advised to ensure that the country that welcomes you and has accepted you as a citizen is not insulted and dragged into the mud by your community because if the blasphemy law does not does not exist, the law of defamation does exist. I would therefore ask you to ensure that this offensive article is rectified so as not to create further tension. Please accept, Mr Moussaoui, my definitively secular greetings.
Caroline Alamachère

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