Saturday 17 February 2018

Jawad Bendaoud: the "landlord of Daech" relaxed, the parquet appeals

The landlord of the terrorists of November 13 has been released on Wednesday the facts of "concealment of terrorist criminals". He will leave the same evening in prison. This is the epilogue of an extraordinary trial. This Wednesday,
Jawad Bendaoud, the lodger of two jihadists of the attacks of November 13, 2015, who has always claimed his innocence, was relaxed.At the statement of the judgment, the defendant collapsed in boxing. According to a judicial source, Jawad Bendaoud will be released "tonight" from prison.
Immediately after the announcement of the judgment, the prosecution appealed. But the latter not being suspensive, Jawad Bendaoud will be able to leave prison
27 months in solitary confinement

The 31-year-old, held in solitary confinement for 27 months, is expected to return to prison to recover his personal belongings, prison sources said. If the detainee asks for it, a vehicle can be put at his disposal so that he leaves his place of detention in serenity, said this source, explaining that this had been the case for Patrick Henry, detained 40 years for the murder of 'a child and released in September 2017 for medical reasons.
At the end of January, the prosecutor of the Paris Criminal Court had asked for a four-year sentence and continued detention. The 30-year-old, a multi-criminal delinquent tried for "concealment of terrorist criminals", was sentenced to six years in prison. His lawyers had pleaded his release.
"You have been consistent in your statements"

"It must be stressed that you have been consistent in your statements. You had instant doubts about the people you were going to host," noted the magistrate, Isabelle Prévost-Desprez on Wednesday. "By absolutely wanting to present you in front of BFMTV cameras, you voluntarily lent yourself to a hypermediatization that you largely maintained during the hearing, losing sight of your defense".
Judged for "concealment of terrorist criminals"

The high-profile defendant, with incessant punchlines and characteristic patter, had found himself in recent weeks at the heart of a resounding trial, bringing together 700 civil parties, represented by a hundred lawyers. At the side of Jawad Bendaoud were two men.
Mohamed Soumah, tried for the same reasons, was sentenced to five years in prison, with continued detention. "You could not ignore that the terrorists were fugitives linked to the attacks of November 13," said the president of the TGI.
Three years in prison for Youssef Aït Boulahcen

The third defendant, Youssef Aït Boulahcen, tried for "non-denunciation of crime", was meanwhile sentenced to four years in prison, including one year suspended. The prosecutor had requested a five-year sentence against this man who appeared free. No warrant of committal has been issued.
The man is the cousin of the alleged brain of the attacks in Paris, Abdelhamid Abaaoud and the brother of Hasna Aït Boulahcen, died alongside the two jihadists in the assault of the Raid, Saint-Denis, and November 18, 2015. You knew perfectly that your cousin was still involved in a project of attack (...) you had been warned by your sister. Your bad faith cannot benefit you, "said the president of the court.

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