Saturday 17 February 2018

François Hollande will release a book to defend the results of his quinquennium….

POLITICAL SCANNING - According to BFMTV, the former head of state finishes writing a book to be published on April 11. The book should return to the "mistakes" but also the "successes" of his five-year term. And draw some "perspectives" on the future of the country and the left ...
The balance is now. A few days ago, the former President of the Republic Francois Hollande was "completely immersed in the writing of his book," as explained Le Figaro. According to BFMTV on Tuesday, the former head of state is about to conclude. A first name of work, although provisional, was even advanced: The lessons of power. The release date has been set for April 11 at Stock. That's just under two weeks after the appointment of the new first secretary of the PS.

A handwriting
The book should look like an inventory right of the last five years, with both "errors", but also "success", according to his entourage. In Le Figaro, however, a relative specifies that François Hollande will also establish "some perspectives" on "the international situation, the future of the country and the future of the left."

The former head of state would write all of his book by hand, which does not facilitate the task of his secretary, as reported Michel Sapin Figaro. "As he writes in flyfingers, his poor secretary comes from time to time to find me when it comes to Greece, taxes, the Ministry of Labor ... She asks me:" Michel what do you understand ? ", Amuses the former minister.


Even if he has withdrawn from politics, Francois Hollande always keeps a watchful eye on the evolution of the Socialist Party. According to his relatives, the former head of state would even intend to vote on March 15 and 29 for the election of the next party boss.


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