Wednesday 20 June 2018

Bananas with 14 pesticides banned in France are legally sold in stores

When the BIO lies unload!

At a time when the name "BIO" is used all the way, we were recently stopped by the raucous shot of Natacha Polony, as part of the Great Oral Grandes Gueules on RMC-BFMTV.

"We are in a country where standards are imposed on our own companies but not on others. I'll give you an example of a silly standard! ", Launched the columnist. "When you buy a French banana from Guadeloupe or Martinique, it is forbidden to use certain pesticides because they are dangerous for your health. When you buy a banana from Ecuador or the Dominican Republic, with a BIO label, then these bananas were grown with 14 banned pesticides on conventional French and European bananas! "

The most surreal in history is that in the name of what is called at the level of the European Union, the "principle of equivalence", the journalist specifies that "if the Dominican Republic or the Ecuador have decided that it is organic, so we accept and return the products! The concern is to decide that we do not control certain products that come in. It is a deception of the consumer. "

In view of Natacha Polony's relevant analysis, one can legitimately wonder what will be BIO and what will not be. Do you want falsely labeled organic bananas or a Pomegranate Elixir, a fermented pomegranate juice from Dr. Jacob's® that has pesticide residues below 0.01 mg / kg? Either significantly lower rates compared to European standards, as shown by the latest analyzes (Öko-Control Baumholder).

What Natacha Polony puts forward is a draft amendment to the European regulation on organic farming, launched since 2014 by the European Commission. A project that plans to no longer declassify the BIO label some productions contaminated by pesticides. Each state may decide this threshold. Certain products containing pesticides may be marketed by displaying the BIO label, under the principle of free movement of goods in Europe.

The draft amendment also provides for a relaxation of the controls at the level of BIO holdings, concerning compliance with the specifications required to obtain the BIO label. Today, these checks take place twice a year: once unexpectedly and a second time on the basis of an appointment. With the new regulations, these controls will take place once every two years.

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