Thursday 5 July 2018

LIMITATION AT 80 KM In France/ H. Already 15 people killed on the roads of the Eure in 2018

Will the reduction in the authorized speed limit to 80 km / h have a mechanical effect on the behavior of motorists? The services of the state want to believe it ...

In the territory of the Seine-Eure agglomeration (Case), two fatal accidents are already to be deplored if we believe the map that can be found on the site of the prefecture of Eure (follow the heading " Road safety ", then" Balance sheets of accidentology in the Eure "). From 2016 to 2017, the balance sheet dropped by 23%, from 43 deaths to 33 on the roads of the Eure. In 2018, the number of road deaths remains stable. For now, the cumulative since the beginning of the year is slightly higher than last year (15 killed in 2018, against 14 in 2017).

Save 300 to 400 lives

According to the communiqué of the State services dated June 21, 2018, "speed is the leading cause of fatal accidents in France (31%). The road network on which fatal accidents are most frequent is that of two-way roads with no central separator (55% of road deaths). Reducing the maximum permissible speed to 80 km / h on two-way roads without a central separator - limited to 90 km / h - would save between 300 and 400 lives per year. " All types of vehicles, all drivers are obviously concerned. "Heavy vehicles and drivers holding a probationary license [N.D.L.R. In particular, young drivers are limited to 80 km / h ", according to the prefecture.

68€ fine and one point less

In terms of repression, tolerance should not be required. From the entry into force of this reform, an excess speed of less than 20 km / h will be penalized with a loss of point and a fixed fine of 68 € (45 € the fixed fine minus). When the findings are made directly by the police, sensitization actions are planned to accompany the implementation of this measure. At the same time, the radars are reparamétrés in order to correspond to the new standards.

Technically, all signs indicating a speed limit of 90 km / h will effectively be removed or masked as of July 1st. The "80 km / h" signs will be put in place concomitantly. The chairman of the Department Pascal Lehongre (LR) also refers to the installation of "stickers" on old panels to minimize costs. "In our perimeter, we have fifty panels to change," he says. Throughout the Eure, more than 200 panels will be installed, the State assuring full coverage of the cost of these "modification operations". The invoice amounts to 170 € per panel (installation included).


The speed limit will therefore be 80 km / h on all departmental roads, with the exception of roads separated by a central wall. The decree passed Sunday, June 17, however, maintains the limitation to 90 km / h on three-lane roads (or four, if they exist) without a central reservation, when the two lines go in the same direction. This is not the case for the opposite way. In the Eure, about 70 overtaking slots will be allowed.

Finally, the prefecture recalls this:

     “For a good information of the users, the departmental council will ensure the setting up of panels: upstream of the radars, to recall the maximum speed authorized on the section of road borrowed; at the exits of the expressways; and at the beginning and end of the section at 90 km / h on the three lanes.
In two years, an initial assessment will be made of the effects of this measure.

3 minutes 15

On a course of 39 km, 3 minutes and 15 seconds is the difference in travel time between a speed of 80 km / h and a speed of 90 km / h. For government services, motorists will see a small impact on the time they spend between their place of life and their business, for example. Another advantage: "Stopping distances are greatly reduced. With 10 km / h less, it is a stopping distance reduced by 13 meters. And therefore fewer risks of accidents.”

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